Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lets Start The Journey
by HRH IyaOlorisa Parapo Agbaiye

Peace, to all of my people here and abroad, as Queen Mother of all Orisa Worldwide I pray that you are walking in the Light. With out the illumination of the Divine Light, you can not see the way. The Light is to light your path, so you might go the right way; in the right direction. Someone said’ All you have to do, is make a conscious decision with yourself, decide how you want to live.Visualise yourself doing it, See yourself holding it, Life...Feel it! You have it! I do agree! You have to put your best foot forward. You can not be forced to do anything, Yes you can but, not things in Divine order. Things in Divine order should flow, with Power of the Orisa and Love. It is a clearing of mine clutter and debris. You must Elevate, as self and as a people. I still stand my grounds where Love is concern. We must have it. Love of your self ,your mate, your people, and the then you can freely Love the World. With this you have the harmony that you need to proceed on your journey. Do you remember me saying,I think of LOVE in a very Special way. I call it LIFE, It comes so fast and so swift, Sometimes it is invisible, you may never know that it is there. Keep your Heart open, or you might just miss it. Love is the beginning of Life, and the ending of Life. Without Love you have, No Life! Fine it, Give it, Share it...Love is Life, and Life is Love When you know that its there! Pray never to lose it. It is truly your lifeline. Loving yourself sometimes you forget how to. Treat yourself the way you treat other when you forget to treat yourself. In the self mode, you must learn to discipline yourself as you do others; caring for self; as other. You might have to speak to your self from time to time. Life is beginning here, and loving yourself like a bloom, in a flower garden. Nurture and Love, keep it going, as you move to the next level. Loving your mate is monumental, it must have Divine intervention to come together. Loving your mate divinely creates a oneness.Of spirit, soul, mine and body. You should connect in a way that you do become one trusting motion. Even if you if you are apart you are still in rhythm ,that beat is in sync. We know that we must have our time and space, and yet still we are one. Conquer this, and you can envelope family friends and all people that surrounds you. Reaching out to others outside your cocoon, will be easier. Then move to the next Level.Leadership, cannot go forward when your personal foundation has cracks. Repair self! Repair your foundation! We are in need of Powerful leaders. Not self destructing failures. Rise up! Your people are in constant need, of direction, and Love without fear. They have a need to trust their Leaders. I want you to trust me, for my desire is to work and make this a better world for my people; for you. Starting where it is most needed. I cry over the lack of togetherness and Love, between us. Coming together is paramount! Fine clothes, big cars, wine, and dine, all have their place in time. It is not a game we play, it is survival and the world at stake. This challenge was left by the Ancestors, remember then carefully on your journey. Now you are headed for the next Level.The World is waiting, not just in Traditional people but all people. I can’t leave them out because they have gone astray as well. My mother use to say’ “what is this world coming to?” Well you see it everyday now, and it isn’t much. I do believe that Tradition make a big difference, there are millions of us. The difference is we don’t support, as others do. Spiritually we are a commodity, emotional we are a wreck! We are fighting and feuding over petty things. Spouting evil word behind our brothers back Protocol, is gone to hell in a waste paper basket. Respect is just a song!Where do we go from here? this question is to the World. For we have so much to offer. We are a mighty and powerful people, have been since creation, Lets go big team! Why did Ifa, call me twice, why have the Forces brought me to this place, from a small town, just blessed daily, Queen mother to my families, my clan. No one to the world. Never heard the Title before from the other side of the planet. I am HRH Iya Olorisa Parapo Agbaiye. Why me? My Destiny! Why am I telling you all of this ? Your Destiny!

Ododo Oba

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

E ku Odun Oyotunji African Village USA! from your connecting Family! His Imperial Majesty/ His Excellency Oba Mobolaji Naibi,and His Royal Highness/H is Royal Eminence Dr.Valentine S. Akpati, Aworo Egbe Olorisa Parapo Agbaiye to, His Royal Majesty,Oba Adegbolu Adefunmi II and Her Royal Grace Iya Oba for continuation of the Spirit of Oyotunji. Not forgetting all the Chiefs and the entire Village and Friends and Supporter~May we survive Another 40. It was the most beautiful and Heart Felt Occasion. I give thank to the Oba Wa Aja, His Royal Highness Oba Efuntola Adefunmi I, and the Oba Adegbolu Adefunmi II , for a gerat part of the life that I am living Today. The Oba Wa Aja Adefunmi I, was truly an amazing man. The God in him is felt around the world. May the Seated Oba Live Long, and be as Blessed. Family is the Greatest Institution in the World. Celebration of family is the Greatest event in the World. Blessings~~~~~

HRH Ododo Oba and The Royal Family

Monday, October 04, 2010

Why.Why..Leaders of the Earthworld ...Why?
by Hre Valentine Ossai Akpati on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at 3:22pm
Why Leadesr of the Earth world..Why are you allowing the world to fall into darkness...why are you so hard hearted..?
why are you allowing your people to suffer so much ..why..oh Political leaders of the Earth kingdom..Why are you so wicked...?
Why are you so mean.? Your people believed in you...believed in your promises of a better future..a future of promised..Oh how you promised..your tongue as sweet as honey...painting pictures of paradise..we adored you..we supported you and gave you the mantle of leadership to lead our people to the promised land...but have failed us..your people are suffering and you are there
happy..sleeping well..eating well...when your people are hungry...our God given amass wealth you will never be able to finish in your you are pompous and have forgotten...yes you have forgotten how we suffered for you are playing God..Why my leaders Why...? how can you sleep so soundly when your people are having sleepless nights..?
How can you smile when your people are in tears.? You told us you love this the way you show your love..? NOw we put you are now so power crazy you don,t want to vacate the seat of want to rule by force with crush any who opposes you...Why ..oh why my leaders of the earth world....who are killing the soul of their you know that you were given the power to serve not be served...are you conscious that you are a servsnt of the people..that your vocation is to love your people from the innermost part of your being...why are you deceiving us? we know that all the natural wealth in the soil of our country is enough to care for every one and still remain abundantly for hundreds and thousands of years to come...for nature replenishes nature...aaahh my you know God is not not happy with you for what you are doing to his children.? and that you will definitely pay for your actions..? You are a lost star..forever lost ..never to be redeemed because your crimes are unforgivable...why can,t you over corrupt leaders..? you can still change..yes you can..Please I beg you to change..your people are tired of suffering ...they are tired of failed promises...please my leaders..look deep into your mind...into your soul and see the relationship you have with the are divinely attached to all the souls of your people in the spiritual are divinely attached to all the spirits of your are the representative of the past present and future of your nation...this is serious..why were you chosen to be the leader...maybe you are not right one took over with force..or with crooked means...why ..why are you the way you are.? Now My beloved few leaders who genuinely love the peoples...and are walking the path of true leadership...power from the divine center of life to you all...who are genuine..the peoples love you and will continue to support your efforts in bringing peace to a troubled world...Oh my leaders...change your ways before it is too late...the whole world is depending on you...change or be rejected as a rotten fruit of creation..for truth will prevail...ASE